Tuesday 29 December 2020

5 Reasons Improving Your English Should Be Your New Years Resolution

Suitable for CEFR intermediate and above (B1+) 

 #ny2021 #nye #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #resolutions

New vocabulary is highlighted in bold.

With the New Year almost upon us, it is a time when many people choose to reflect upon their life choices, celebrate successes and reevaluate what is important to them. New Year's resolutions offer a perfect opportunity to set fresh goals for any missed targets, take up new hobbies or focus on positive lifestyle changes that you'd like to make. 


 Happy New Year - Free image on Pixabay


However, choosing your resolutions and breaking them down into more manageable step-by-step targets can be quite a challenge in itself, so it's no wonder that the majority of people who set New Year's resolutions are likely to have abandoned them by the end of January! 

One of the most common mistakes that people make is setting themselves overambitious and rigid targets, which often results in people believing that they have failed the moment they deviate from their plan. Making a positive lifestyle change is about building better daily habits and it is important to accept that this can be a slow process. Be kind to yourself and accept that you will have good days and bad days. It's not the end of the world if your schedule suddenly changes or you have an off day, but it can be a very slippery slope. For most people it's better to start small so that you can feel a sense of achievement, and this in turn is more likely to motivate and inspire you to do more. 

For those of you looking for inspiration or who haven't decided what your resolutions will be yet, I have put together a list of reasons why improving your English should be at the top of your list!

1. English is a global language 

English is everywhere! It is estimated that one in five people on the planet can now speak or at least understand English and it is widely used as a lingua-franca. As well as being an official language in over 50 countries, it is also the language of education and academia. The ability to speak English is now a requirement for entry to universities all over the world because many scientific journals and technical manuals are published first or solely in English. 


2. It can help you get a better job

Yes, English is a skill that is increasingly essential to employers as a way of improving communications within international organisations that have offices, departments or trade agreements in several countries. Having English qualifications on your CV makes you more desirable to employers and can help you get ahead of other applicants on the job market. 


3. English is the language of entertainment and media 

Despite recent increases in popularity of international films and TV shows thanks to online streaming and subscription services, Hollywood still dominates the entertainment industry with the vast majority of films, TV shows and music recorded in English. Improving your English means you won't have to rely on subtitles and bad voice dubbing to enjoy your favourite songs and movies.

4. English makes it easier to travel 

Whether you are working in Beijing or backpacking in Bali, English can help you meet and communicate with new people, access different cultures and find solutions to a whole host of problems commonly experienced by travellers.

5. English is not that difficult to learn 

No really, it's true! There are, of course, some annoying things about English just like there are annoying things about any other language. In English words are, for example, often spelt differently to how they sound and there are a lot of phrasal verbs, but the basic structure and grammar of English is relatively straightforward and easy to learn. This is because English, throughout the course of history, has lost its cases. There are only 3 cases in modern English: the subjective, possessive and objective. This means that there are fewer grammatical forms to learn than in some other languages, many of which have between 5 and 18 cases! 



The support of a qualified language teacher can help get you into the habit of learning and make your New Year's resolution to improve your English more achievable. A good teacher will always assess your learning needs and suggest reasonable targets to improve your communication skills over a set period of time. Having a deadline and someone to hold you accountable can work wonders for taking your English to the next level. 

Ready to begin? There's no time like the present! You can book a 15 minutes trial session and free language assessment with me on Facebook or visit my website for more information.

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