Wednesday 27 May 2020

5 Advantages of 1:1 Language Learning

Suitable for intermediate CEFR B1+
1:1 tutoring has several advantages over group study.  Firstly, 1:1 tutoring is a personal experience between you and the tutor, and for this reason one-to-one tutoring can be much more focused and versatile than learning in a group setting.

So let’s look in more detail at some of the reasons why you might choose one-to-one private tutoring over group English lessons. 

1. A personal learning experience
In group classes, teachers have to ensure that every learner in the class is familiar with the concepts and subject of the lesson. This process means that teachers often have to recap language that some students already understand or can use well. A major benefit of 1:1 tutoring is that your tutor can develop an individual learning plan that focuses on improving weaker areas rather than revising what you are already good at. Equally, if you are having trouble with understanding something you tutor can spend more time explaining and help you to practise until you are more comfortable with new concepts.

2. Course & content co-creation

Choosing 1:1 tutoring means working together with your tutor to plan your learning and decide the content of your lessons. Ultimately, this can make learning English more interesting as content can be tailored specifically to topics that you enjoy, and allows you to work towards specific contexts you need the language for. Your tutor can also build a structure into your lessons that suit your learning preferences, and set homework that will build your language skills more quickly.

As a private learner you are always encouraged to share your perspectives on what is covered during your lessons, how it’s covered and why it’s covered. This way there’s no need to sit through any lessons or content you feel are not the most beneficial for you, or don’t match exactly what you’re looking for. It can also improve your motivation if you feel empowered and actively responsible in your own learning journey.

3. Learn fast with less distraction 

With 1:1 tutoring your tutor is always there to keep you focused and engaged in the lesson. There are no distractions created by others in the class, which allows you to use your time most effectively and achieve your learning objectives faster. Although private tuition is typically more expensive than learning in a group, you might find that fewer lessons are needed overall and that means you get more for your money.

4. No peer pressure

If you’re a shy person or new to learning English you might feel self-conscious speaking in front of others or be afraid to ask for help for fear of what others might think. 1:1 private tuition offers a safe, private space for you to learn entirely at your own pace, without worrying about who else is listening. A good teacher will be responsive to your needs and do everything they can to help you overcome any challenges.

5. Maximum flexibility

With private tuition you don’t have to change your schedule or miss out on work to make a class. As private tutoring is now available online through your laptop or mobile device, you have the freedom to learn whenever and wherever you want!

...but is it all good?
The one disadvantage to private tutoring is that you miss out on practising real conversations with other people learning English. As English is a communication skill, it’s important that you attend some group lessons so that you become better at listening to a variety of accents and develop natural conversation and social skills together with your language knowledge.

A good way to get around this is to take group classes with 1:1 lessons a couple of times a month, or as often as you like, to focus on those areas that you need some help with. 

Do you have experience with 1:1 English tutoring? What was your experience like?
If you’re thinking about private tutoring and would like to give it a try, ask me about a free 15-minute trial session.

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